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Pros and Cons of Self Publishing Your Book

Generally, we count the benefits of one product by comparing it with another. So, here are the advantages and disadvantages of Self-Publishing by comparing its services with traditional publishing. Based on my experience as a self-published author under guided publishing and DIY publishing. I share some pros and cons of self-publishing. 


  • Longer Shelf Life 

  • Less Time Consumption to Publish

  • Complete Control Over Rights | Non-Exclusive Agreement

Longer Shelf Life 

A traditional publisher is always looking for a new writer with a unique writing style. If the publisher found the new one, then the new book will easily replace your one. Because the traditional publisher is working for the company. While a self-publisher cannot. If you are aware of the marketing of your book, you can easily be capable of maintaining the perfect space for your book on the shelf for a long time, as you desire.

Less Time Consumption to Publish

Self-Publishing takes a few weeks to publish the book. If the author submits a final print-ready manuscript. Then the book will be published within a month. Despite a self-publisher, a traditional publisher takes a long time to review the manuscript and reply to the author regarding the selection of their manuscript for publishing. And then the publishing process takes months or may be turned into a year.

Complete Control Over Rights | Non-Exclusive Agreement

One of the major benefits of Self-Publishing is the author has all rights and control over distribution. Self-publishing is done with a Non-Exclusive Agreement. This grants the authors to publish their book anywhere at any time. 


  • Publishers' Low Distribution Scale 

  • Publishing Fee | No Forefront Payout.

  • High MSP | Minimum Selling Price

  • Less Acclaim | 

Publishers' Low Distribution Scale

It takes years to establish as well as to be recognized. So every self-publisher works within a budget limit. Since the reputed book stores mostly deal with recognized publishers. So, it is a difficult task to coax a well-reputed store manager for every book. In such a case, the publisher deals with a few offline stores with a low budget, and mostly self-publishers give licenses to the printing press vendors for a particular book within a particular period. The selection of books is a mutual understanding of the Publishers and Vendors. The reach of these vendors is limited to certain book stores, so they also work within the budget limits and print the books on demand. 

High Publishing Fee | No Forefront Payout

Unlike a traditional publisher, the self-publisher does not pay any forefront amount to the author. Instead of it, a high amount of publishing fee is charged to bear all expenses incurred in the publishing process, marketing, printing and distribution. 

MSP | Minimum Selling Price 

Self-publishers give indirect freedom to the authors to allow them to choose the MRP of their book. But to run the company, the self-publisher set the minimum selling price of the book. Now, If you notice the publisher has chosen your book price already. 

Less Acclaim

Self-publishing gives rapid exposure to the author but less acclaim. Alert reader trust in the recognised publishers and give priority to a Big Publisher. If you want the widest readership, then a traditional publisher will be a good option for you.