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Selection of A Good Self-Publishing House | Debut Author

I have been asked for a lot of times about the selection of a good, self-publishing house. So, here I share.


Whenever you go to publish your debut book, whether it belongs to any genre? Remember the following things: 


  • Publishing plan

  • Editing Service

  • Proofreading Service

  • Graphic design | Illustration 

  • Marketing, SEO and Distribution

  • Royalty Pay-out Time | Author Copy Cost


Publishing plan 

Every self-publishing house has its publishing plans, ranging from a couple of thousands to lakhs with a wide range of services. I share a bit about the variation in services that leads to the price difference. Most of the debut authors choose the basic plan, which includes all of the services mentioned above. 


Editing | Proofreading services 

As per the need of the publishing process, regular editing services are provided for the basic plans. Sometimes it includes the copyediting service which is for a few words. No line editing is provided until it is opted by the author. 

If you are planning to opt for an editing service for your book. Be well aware of the editing services and the importance of each editing service in detail. Because it directly affects your manuscript content.


Why is it expensive?

Since the editor and proofreader charge per word. Due to this, hiring a full-time editor for each specific genre would be costly for publishers. So, in this case, freelance editors are being hired on a project basis and are paid for each word edited. 

It is time-consuming work. And that is the main reason for being highly charged for the SILVER, GOLD and PLATINUM PLANS of the Publishing Houses. 


Graphic Design | Illustrations 

Usually, in the Basic Plan, the normal cover design is offered in comparison to the other cover design offered in plans like Silver, Gold etc. However, the author has a choice to customise the plan. Either opt for the premium cover design or basic cover design even in the basic plan. While the silver, Gold and platinum plan comes with a premium cover design.


Marketing, SEO and Distribution

One of the most important factors that must be observed by a debut author is the marketing services offered by Publisher. 


The author should ask about the media promotion, news in a local newspaper, digital marketing, book launch, and listing on e-commerce stores. 


In the Basic plan, 

  • the book is listed nationally on e-commerce websites.

  • The best SEO facility for books is provided with one month of ads run campaigns. 

  • And the limited distribution to the offline stores.


While in the other highly paid plans 

  • The book is listed globally in almost all e-commerce stores 

  • An exclusive interview of the Author in digital and print media. 

  • Publisher invites celebrities and influencers to launch the book. 

  • And makes the availability of the book in the offline book stores  


Royalty Pay-out Time | Author Copy Cost

I noticed the debut authors ignore the earnings in terms of royalty which is very wrong. Here, I suggest If you are aspiring to become a full-time author. Then be sure about the following 

  • Royalty payout time.

  • The author copy cost including the shipping cost.   

  • the detailed delivery time

  • the minimum acceptable order of the books by the publisher.

  • And asks if the delivery location is flexible or fixed. (author home address only).


Publishers pay when the royalty reaches the threshold amount. Be aware of the threshold amount and the royalty payout date after applying for release. Because the royalty transfer process is very slow.